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The Best Temperature For A Good Night’s Sleep

This blog post will discuss the best temperature for a good night’s sleep and how air conditioners and cooling systems can make you rest comfortably.

Why Is Sleep Important?

Sleep is important because it allows our body and mind to rest. Sleep also keeps us healthy! If we do not get enough sleep, we will feel tired during the day, affecting how well we perform at work and other daily tasks. 

It allows for the rejuvenation of cells and boosts the immune system. Sleep deprivation has even been linked to heart problems as well as higher levels of anxiety or depression.

The Right Air Conditioner Temperature

The right temperature in your bedroom can help you get a better night’s sleep. For instance, having an air conditioner while sleeping will keep the room cool but not too cold. That way, your body stays comfortable throughout the night, and you will not wake up due to feeling too hot.

The perfect temperature for a good night’s sleep is around 68 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the ideal room temperature to help you relax, fall asleep quickly, and stay comfortable throughout the night. 

If you can’t get your bedroom to maintain 68 degrees, it can lead to issues such as:

  • Sleeping more on one side than the other,
  • Tossing and turning while trying to find that comfortable spot once again, or
  • Even creating chronic problems such as insomnia which only worsen over time if left untreated.

Keeping your bedroom at around 68 degrees at night helps:

  • Increase comfort levels with 
  • Keeps sheets cleaner with less sweat on the skin, 
  • Prevents mold growth,
  • Keep humidifiers from being needed,
  • Indoor air quality!

An air conditioner should be checked periodically to see if it’s working properly to provide a comfortable environment. This includes checking over radiators or fans as well as ensuring no clogs have developed in ducts. If your AC isn’t working properly, you need to fix it before the problem worsens.

It’s also helpful to test out humidity control settings throughout the day, which may be different than nighttime hours. The best way to avoid humidity during the summer months is by using an AC unit with dehumidification capabilities.

What Are The Benefits Of Sleeping In A Cold Room?

sleeping blindfolded

Sleep benefits are one of the reasons many people use air conditioning units in their homes. Air conditioners and other cooling systems can relieve a heatwave or high temperatures and help maintain good sleep patterns. 

A study published by the National Academy of Sciences found that sleeping in a cool room is linked to better quality, deeper sleep, and improved cognitive performance on tests taken after waking up! 

If you’re also looking for more energy throughout your day, studies have shown that cooler rooms may be more productive environments because they promote deep breathing and slower heart rates during slumber.

How To Prepare Your Bedroom For An Optimal Temperature

  • Invest in a Programmable Thermostat; a programmable thermostat helps you save money on energy bills in the summer because it can turn on your AC when you’re home and turn it off or have it run at a higher temperature when you’re away.

  • Invest in blackout curtains to reduce the amount of light or sunlight that can filter into your bedroom, which will help set a more comfortable sleeping environment. Consider using heavy-duty shades and curtain liners for added insulation during cooler months.

  • Add extra pillows and blankets when it’s cold out or as needed throughout the year. If you need something just a little bit warmer, consider investing in an electric blanket with dual controls, so both sides of the bed are warmed up without having to turn on two separate heating units.

  • Turn on your air conditioner/heater unit before going to sleep; this way, by the time you fall asleep (sometimes 30 minutes later), the room will be at a more comfortable temperature.

  • Heating and cooling appliances turning off and on automatically through the night can produce noise that may disrupt sleep quality. Use a white noise machine or app to keep noise disturbances at a minimum.

  • Consider installing quieter air conditioning systems or upgrading your current AC unit for high seer models with Quiet Mark certification. Sometimes making small adjustments like this can dramatically improve your deep sleep.

Tips For Getting Better Sleep

  • When it comes to temperature, think about how cool you like things on a warm summer day. That’s typically the right level of air conditioning for your bedroom during winter months, too!

  • Keep your bedroom cool and dark while sleeping, but not too cold! 

  • If temperatures aren’t too extreme outside, opening the window for fresh air can be helpful.

  • Using ceiling fans can make a room feel 4 degrees cooler. You may need to do a little experimentation, but a general rule of thumb is to start by setting your thermostat between 72-76 degrees in the summertime. Not only will you still feel quite comfortable, but you’ll save on energy costs, as well.

Using your HVAC system and the automatic thermostat is overall the best way to help you get a good night’s sleep. Our experts in air conditioning can help you have a fuller, deeper night of sleep. Be sure to call us when you’re ready for a check-up on your air conditioning and/or heating.

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